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Podcast: Half A Vegan, The Carrot Bacon Edition

What is a “half-vegan” and can carrots really taste like bacon? Find out the answers to all the pressing questions on our first podcast. It’s epic.

Midlife Shit Show Half Vegan
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Half a vegan? Yes, yes I am. Want to know what the heck that actually is? Take a listen to this episode of the podcast.

Welcome back, hit me with all your burning plant-based foodie questions. Wait, what? You didn’t have time to listen to the episode? Okay. I get it. I mean who wants to hear a vegan talk about being vegan? As Karin said in the show, “Do you know how you can tell if someone is a vegan? Just wait, they’ll tell you all about it.” 

I won’t get too deep into my journey towards veganism. When I say I’m “half a vegan,” that pretty much means I’m having a really hard time breaking up with cheese. Meat, I can give that up any old day. Honey, hey there is always agave. Milk, I don’t got it and I’m good with that. But brie, this thing between you and me… I just can’t quit you.

There is a veritable rainbow of reasons why people may choose to make the transition to a plant-based lifestyle. All those reasons? Totally valid. Nobody gets to have an option about why you eat what you do or don’t eat. For me, the choice has been partially how I feel in my body and a bit about environmental concerns. That’s all I’m going to say on that… um, did I just do exactly what Karin said I’d do? Damn!


I learned about this crispy, smoky, oh-so-simple alchemy from the hilarious, adorable, and seriously inspirational Tabitha Brown. Her carrot bacon video went viral this spring and after a few tries to get this one right, I totally get why.



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Finding actual vegan liquid smoke was probably the biggest challenge with this recipe. After a few failed I ended up loving the Apple Wood version from Colgin I also ordered the mesquite variety, but haven’t tried that yet. A good quality maple syrup is key as well.

Have you thought about adding more plant-based meals to the menu rotation in your house? We’d love to have you join us for one of our 7-day food challenges. Each program is simple, easy, designed in conjunction with a Functional Medicine Nutritionist, and totally free. If you’d like to get on the list, be sure you’ve signed up for your FREE clubhouse membership because sh*t’s gonna get tasty around here in 2021, people!


Items mentioned in this Episode {affiliate links}:

Thug Kitchen Vegan Cookbook

Thug Kitchen: The Official Cookbook: Eat Like You Give a F*ck

#1 New York Times Bestseller, first in the bestselling series
Thug Kitchen inspires people to eat some gd vegetables and adopt a healthier lifestyle. {Buy on Amazon}

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