Yeah, yeah, yeah meditation is good for you. If the interwebs say it’s true it must be…, right? Well, that theory may not age well but with evidence of humans meditating as far back as 5,000 to 3,500 BCE it’s a pretty safe bet that there is actually something to this whole mindfulness thing beyond pictures of 20-somethings with zero percent body fat resting in perfect lotus poses on empty, pristine beaches at sunset.
Snark aside, there actually is some real science backing the case for meditation. Countless studies have shown that even as little as five minutes of meditation daily can result in less pain, decreased anxiety and/or stress, improved brain health, a strengthened immune system, and more. The best part? There really isn’t a wrong way to do this tish! As long as you enter your practice with intention, you will reap benefits.
8 Simple Steps To Get Started With Daily Meditation
- Make Time – Don’t overthink this one, just give yourself five minutes as a starting point in your day to get started with meditation then build from there.
- Embrace Wherever You Are – Most people think you need a special space to meditate. You don’t. Anywhere you can get comfortable is a space you can meditate in.
- Get Comfortable – Sit, lie down, or even stand with your eyes closed. Whatever is most comfortable for you at the moment. This can change with the pace of your day.
- Breathe – Start by just noticing the pace of your breath. Then slowly deepen each breath in and out. Some people find it helpful to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth, but start with what is comfortable for you.
- Give Yourself Grace – There is no wrong way to meditate. Accept yourself where you are when you begin meditating. Release of expectation is key to reducing stress and finding balance.
- Connect With Your Body – Pay attention to how your body is feeling. Scan from your scalp to your toes, pausing briefly to notice areas that are relaxed and those that feel tension, stress, or pain. How are you holding your body? Are your shoulders stiff, is your face tense, do you lean away from areas of pain to protect them? Just notice these things at first, don’t try to change them. Keep breathing.
- Reflect – Keeping with those deep, slow breaths, notice how you’re feeling both in your body and mind. Has your breath changed? Do you feel different? Are you more relaxed? Just note these feelings and let them pass without judgment or need to explore them further at the moment.
- Come Back – Once you’ve finished breathing, giving yourself grace, and connecting with your body, slowly return your focus to the space you’re in. Do this when you’re ready, at your own pace. Move through the rest of your day holding some of that calm inside of you.
These steps are a very simplified introduction to the practice of meditation. There are endless approaches available that can take you deeper into a more formal practice and get started with meditation. Plus half of the middle-aged population is doing that whole retro Hippie thing and they’ll tell you exactly where to go to get you some more om up in your home.
Do you meditate? Dish! We’ll take all the advice we can get.