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Magnificent Magnesium: Exploring Its Benefits and Different Forms

Magnificent Magnesium: Exploring Its Benefits and Different Forms
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Remember when we were kids and how excited we’d get when a new candy came out? Oh, how Willy Wonka and refined sugar warped our growing brains. What if we tapped into a little of that wonder again? Let’s replace sugar with supplements! Yeah, we know how silly that sounds, but hang in with us here; we promise it will be worth it. 

Welcome to the wonderful world of Magnificent Magnesium! 

While it may not be as irresistible as an everlasting gobstopper, magnesium boasts some almost magical benefits. Not into magic? Then here’s a little science for ya. Magnesium is involved in over 300 different biochemical reactions, meaning it’s essential for your overall health. Magnesium helps your body in so many ways, like producing energy, repairing DNA, and regulating your muscles and nerves.

There are many different types of magnesium, each with its own unique benefits. 

Magnesium Citrate: This type is perfect for helping you go number two (if you know what I mean!), and it can also help you feel more relaxed and sleep better too. 

Magnesium Glycinate: This type is gentle on your stomach and can help you relax your muscles, sleep better, and reduce stress and pain.

Magnificent Magnesium: Exploring Its Benefits and Different Forms

Magnesium Oxide: This type is fabulous for your bones and heart. For some people, it can help with headaches, blood pressure and blood sugar regulation. It could also keep you regular in the restroom. Hooray for happy poops! 

Magnesium Threonate: This newer type of magnesium is super cool because it can cross the blood-brain barrier and boost your brain health, including your memory and cognitive function.

Magnesium Chloride: This type is excellent for topical use as a muscle relaxant and pain reliever, or you can take it orally for overall health and wellness. It is a powerhouse when it comes to detoxifying and provides extra oomph of energy to your muscles. 

Magnesium Malate: A combination of magnesium and malic acid, this type is commonly used to treat fatigue, muscle weakness, and blood sugar control. I learned about this magical form of magnesium from my naturopath, when an autoimmune flare made any amount of exercise result in achy muscles for days. I was surprised at how well it worked for me! Since then I have heard from a friend who runs marathons and swears by it, and my sister-in-law with fibromyalgia said it helps relieve her aching muscles, too!

ulta magnesium

We hear you. Who wants to take MORE supplements, right? Don’t think you have to take each of these as another pill. Some terrific supplements out there combine several of these types of magnesium into a single capsule. One of our favorites is UltraMag from Pure Encapsulations.

So, there you have it! Magnesium is a magnificent mineral that could help you feel your best. Just remember to chat with your doctor before starting any new supplements, not everything is right for everyone. 

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