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The Science of Journaling
Journaling has been popular for centuries. Does that mean it has any measurable impact on our health and well-being? Multiple studies prove the science of journaling. Studies have shown that consistent journaling can improve mental health, enhance memory, reduce stress, and even help boost the production of certain helpful hormones. A study published in the […] More
Magnificent Magnesium: Exploring Its Benefits and Different Forms
Remember when we were kids and how excited we’d get when a new candy came out? Oh, how Willy Wonka and refined sugar warped our growing brains. What if we tapped into a little of that wonder again? Let’s replace sugar with supplements! Yeah, we know how silly that sounds, but hang in with us […] More
February is the New January
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Just in case the barrage of fad diet ads, mega clearance sales, and journal pushers didn’t cue you in, another new year has come and gone. While we are certainly all for making setting goals and making positive changes (um, hello we’re official Life Coaches, and junk) the pressure to make shit happen January 1 […] More
7-Day Plant-Based Challenge
7 days – You can. do it!
You’ve been wanting to give plant-based eating a try, we’ve made it easy for you!
Our plant-based meal plan offering balanced nutrition without the use of animal products.
The Whole Food Plant Based Diet is a completely animal product-free approach to healthy eating that maximizes whole grains, vegetables and legumes, while minimizing refined sugars and oils.
This plan provides adequate protein from a variety of plant-based sources including grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Fats are provided by whole food sources like avocados, nuts/seeds, and high-quality oils. More
Brain Health Diet and Meal Plan
A program designed to support and improve brain health.
Our Brain Health Support Program was developed using the MIND diet framework, which is a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH eating patterns. The MIND diet has been attributed to improved cognitive thinking and slowing the progression of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease.
This program emphasizes foods shown to support a healthy brain. Each day includes at least three servings of whole grains, green leafy vegetables and one other vegetable. Nuts and beans are included every other day, poultry and berries at least twice a week, fish at least once a week, and olive oil is the primary oil used. More
Menopause Support Diet and Meal Plan
Targeted nutrition to address menopausal concerns including weight gain, bone health, and hot flashes.
Our Menopause Support Program focuses on incorporating nutrients like calcium and magnesium for healthy bones, protein to support a healthy weight, and phytoestrogens to reduce hot flashes. More
Healthy Heart Diet and Meal Plan
A nutrition plan packed with fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats.
This program features heart-healthy foods, taking inspiration from recommended cardiovascular eating patterns such as the Mediterranean Diet, Portfolio Diet, and DASH diet.
Our Heart Health Program uses extra virgin olive oil as its main cooking oil. It incorporates fruits, vegetables, whole grains, oats, and legumes daily to provide a high-fiber diet. The plan also includes fatty fish such as salmon and plant-based fats from avocado. It incorporates a daily dose of nuts to provide healthy unsaturated fats while keeping saturated fat to a minimum. Sodium is limited to less than 2 grams per day. More
Plant-Based Menopause Diet Support and Meal Plan
Plant-based nutrition to maintain a healthy weight, protect bones and reduce hot flashes during menopause.A program designed for plant-based eaters experiencing menopause. The meal plan includes plant-based sources of calcium, magnesium, and protein, with phytoestrogens to reduce hot flashes. More
Plant-Based Healthy Brain Diet and Meal Plan
7-day plant-based program and recipes designed to support and improve brain health.
Our Plant-Based Healthy Brain Diet and Meal Plan was developed using the MIND diet framework, which is a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH eating patterns. The MIND diet has been attributed to improved cognitive thinking and slowing the progression of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease.
This healthy brain diet emphasizes foods shown to support a healthy brain. Each day includes at least three servings of whole grains, green leafy vegetables and one other vegetable. Nuts and beans are included every other day, berries at least twice a week, and olive oil is the primary oil used.
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Podcast: Hamster Wheels and Helpful Hacks
Do you ever feel like you’re a hamster in a wheel? Just running in circles at high speed until you drop from exhaustion and somehow your butt’s still big? Us too! We’ve come to the conclusion that the proverbial hamster wheel is just a part of life. The odds that you’ll get to spend the […] More
Podcast: The Great Follicle Migration
Patchy eyebrows, disappearing lashes, thinning hair, and the unappreciated irony of random hair growing fast and furious- just exactly where you don’t want it. Ahh the Great Follicle Migration. Just more of nature’s not-so-funny little tricks to remind us that we’re no longer needed for perpetuation of the species. What are your follicle challenges? Have […] More
in Sleep, Style+Beauty
How to Get Better Sleep
Fun Fact: Pumpkin Seeds contain 206% of your daily recommended allowance of tryptophan. When we sleep we are essentially fasting. While fasting has some health benefits, for some of us it can cause a bit of a drop in our insulin levels which may result in interrupted sleep. One way to combat this is with […] More