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Downsizing for Aging Parents: No You Aren’t Parenting Your Parents

Downsizing for Aging Parents
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Navigating the labyrinth of midlife can be daunting. Hello, understatement of the year right there! Caring for our aging loved ones can be one of the most challenging things we’ll face. Both Karin and I have had to walk through the hurricane of emotions that comes with this stage in life. We know we aren’t alone in this because so many of you have asked us to tackle this topic.

When we started building this community, caring for aging loved ones wasn’t on the radar. It was more hot flashes, brain fog, and weight gain… oh my! Now, it’s something we are living with or going through, and boy is it complicated. Time to call in the experts! In this episode of The Midlife Shit Show, we dive deep into one of the most emotional challenges of caring for aging parents; transitioning home. Laura Olivares, co-founder of Silver Solutions, joined us to give an expert take on what goes into keeping a loved one safe at home or transitioning their home into a new place. 

Laura addresses some key questions that many of us face when considering downsizing for aging parents our loved ones. 

  • Is my loved one safe at home? If not, how can we make it safe? 
  • How do you move a lifetime into a smaller space? 
  • What should stay, what should go, and who makes that call? 
  • How much does this cost? 
  • When should we start talking about it and what should we say? 

She also talks about the most sought-after services Silver Solutions offers, like organizing and decluttering, estate sales, and setting up new living spaces that are both safe and familiar. Laura reveals some surprising aspects of the downsizing process, such as the emotional attachment to belongings and the family dynamics that often arise. She provides essential tips for streamlining these transitions and where you can go to get things started. 

Our takeaway? None of us are alone in this journey. No matter the family dynamics or place in the process, others are going through the same thing. As Fred Rogers taught us all those years ago; look for the helpers. That’s Laura! She invites all of our readers and listeners to join the Silver Solutions Facebook community, “Age Wise,” for ongoing support and conversation. 

We asked, you told us, we’re listening. This episode is a testament to our commitment to tackling tough topics with humor, authenticity, expert guests, and practical advice. Remember, you aren’t in this alone—this shit show is for everyone!

Midlife Shit Show Podcast: Downsizing for Aging Parents

Co-Hosts & Guest

Co-Host: Lara DiPaola
Co-Host: Karin Sheets
Guest: Laura Olivares Founder, Silver Solutions

Show Notes 

Silver Solutions website:

Age Wise Facebook group: Join here

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